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Inspirational Quotes at BrainyQuote

Share our collection of inspirational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Share our Quotes of the Day on the web, Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. An extensive collection of famous quotes by


Favorite Authors - BrainyQuote

Looking for quotes by our most popular authors? Gather wisdom from the ages as you browse favorite quotes by famous authors like: Aristotle, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas


Quote Topics - BrainyQuote

Our quote collections are organized by topic to help you find the perfect quote. Enjoy quotes on popular topics like: Love, Life, Friendship, Success, Wisdom. Age. Alone. Amazing.


The Most Famous Quotes of All Time Keep Inspiring Me

2021.5.7  Here are the most famous quotes of all time to get you going. Quotes are a great way to inspire and express yourself, and some have been used for so long they are now famous in their own right. You


‎BrainyQuote - Famous Quotes on the App Store

BrainyQuote's App features our most prized and popular quotations, topics and authors. Authors include famous people from the past and present: Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln, Winston


Funny Quotes - BrainyQuote

Explore 1000 Funny Quotes by authors including Mark Twain, Abraham Lincoln, and Winston Churchill at BrainyQuote.


‎App Store 上的“BrainyQuote - Famous Quotes”

BrainyQuote's App features our most prized and popular quotations, topics and authors. Authors include famous people from the past and present: Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, John
